How Burglars Gain Access – Know the Tricks of the Trade

opening car window

Have you ever wondered how burglars manage to break into homes undetected? According to recent statistics, a burglary occurs every 26 seconds in the United States, with an average property loss of over $2,600 per incident.

It’s a chilling thought, but understanding the tactics and methods burglars use to gain entry into homes can help you better protect your property and loved ones. In this post, we will explore the steps you can take to reduce your risk and stay one step ahead of potential intruders.

How Do Burglars Gain Access to Cars and Homes?

When it comes to protecting our homes and cars, we often focus on securing the doors and windows. But burglars are more resourceful than most people think, and can find other ways to gain access to a property.

How Burglars Break Into Cars – Opening Car Windows

The most common ways for an intruder to gain entry into your car include:

Shattered Windows

Burglars often resort to breaking or forcefully opening car window to gain access to the vehicle or the belongings inside. They can use a hard object like a brick, hammer, or a metal rod to smash the tempered glass window mechanism in a matter of seconds.


Another technique commonly used by burglars to gain access to cars is slim-jimming or lock picking. This is where someone inserts a thin, long tool (like a slim jim or coat hanger) into the gap between the car window and door to manipulate the locking mechanism. It’s an effective technique and can take only a few seconds to unlock a car’s door.

Key Duplication

Leaving spare keys inside or near the car may seem like a convenient solution to avoid getting locked out of your car, but it’s also an open invitation to criminals. They can easily duplicate your key and use it to unlock your car door, and then steal your vehicle or its contents. Like a lot of car owners, you may also have the habit of leaving your spare home and car keys in your car – burglars know this and will search for spare keys in common hiding places, like under the car’s wheel or on top of the tire.

Remote Jamming

Another technique intruders use to gain access to most cars is remote jamming. This involves using a remote device that blocks the signal from a car’s unlock button (key fob), preventing the car from being locked. This allows them to easily access and ransack the car, putting your valuables at risk.

Make sure to check that your car is actually locked before walking away and remember to listen for the locking sound. You can also consider using physical locking mechanisms such as steering wheel locks or gear shift locks to add an extra layer of security to your vehicle.

How Burglars Break Into Homes

Unlocked Doors and Windows

In an eye-opening interview, 86 burglars revealed that one of the most common ways they broke into homes was through unlocked doors and windows. Unlocked entry points allow them to safely break in and out of a home without attracting any attention or creating any damage.

It’s important to never leave your windows or door open, even when you’re at home. Make sure to use high-quality locks that cannot be easily picked or forced open. You can also install a home security system that includes sensors on doors and windows to alert you when they are opened. Taking these simple steps can help prevent burglars from accessing your home and keeping your family and belongings safe.

Forced Entry

Burglars also prefer to use tools like crowbars, hammers, and screwdrivers to break open doors and windows that are out of sight, like those at the back of the house or in a side alley. They can use the blunt end of a crowbar to pry open a door or the pointed end to create a hole in a window. Once in, they can quickly ransack the house for valuables and make a quick getaway. You can prevent forced entry by using sturdy locks, deadbolts, and reinforced frames on your doors and windows.

Lock Picking

Experienced thieves know how to pick manual locks and gain access to your home without you even noticing. They have specialized tools such as tension wrench, bump keys, pick guns, rake picks, and lock picks that can manipulate the lock mechanism quite easily. The only defense against this is to use high-quality locks (like Medeco Maxum, Schlage B660P, Mul-T-Lock Interactive+, and Abloy Protec2) that are designed to resist picking attempts.


As previously mentioned, burglars have grown quite resourceful and crafty these days. Posing as delivery persons, contractors, or other types of professionals to trick homeowners into opening their doors is a common tactic now. Once inside, they may distract you or try to disable security systems before proceeding to steal your valuables.

This is a particularly effective trick when homeowners are not expecting anyone or when the burglar is wearing a uniform that makes them appear legitimate. To protect yourself from this kind of deception, always ask for identification and verify the credentials of anyone claiming to be a professional before you let them into your home.

Signs of Forced Entry You Should Watch Out For

There are a few things you can look for to confirm your suspicions that someone has been in your home:

  • Check the Doors and Windows: Look for signs of forced entry such as pry marks, scratches, or dents on the door or window frames.
  • Check the Locks: If the locks have been tampered with or show signs of damage, like scratches around the keyhole or a bent latch, it’s a good indication that someone has tried to break in.
  • Check for Debris: Burglars may leave behind debris like broken glass or wood chips when they tried to break a window or kick in a door.
  • Check for Missing Items: If items are missing or moved from their usual place, it also indicates that someone has been inside.
  • Check for Footprints: If there are footprints outside your windows or doors, it’s a sign that someone has been lurking around.

If you suspect a break-in, do NOT enter your home or business. Call the police and wait for them to arrive before investigating further. You’ll also want to contact a local locksmith to change – and hopefully upgrade – your locks.

Choose the Most Dependable Locksmith to Get Your Locks and Keys Changed

Worried about the security of your home or business? Don’t wait until it’s too late! Let the experts at 3 Guys Locksmith help ease your mind. Our team of skilled professionals offers a wide range of residential and commercial locksmith services, including lock repair, key duplication, and lock installation.

If you’ve been locked out of your own car or left the keys inside your home/car, accidentally locking yourself out, our expert locksmiths can reach you and take care of the problem within a span of hours. With our services, we’re always here to help when you need it most. Don’t wait until it’s too late – contact us today for a free quote or call us at (305) 907-7707 and see how we can help you protect what matters most.

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