Where Should I Keep A Car Key Replacement When Traveling?

Car Key Replacement

Headed out on the open road for a family trip? It’s vital that you bring a car key replacement with you in the event that your keys get locked in the car or lost during your vacation. You will save yourself a lot of stress and trouble when you have a spare key with you while traveling. The experienced and trusted team from 3 Guys Locksmith explains the best places where you should keep a car key replacement when traveling in today’s blog.

Give the Spare Key to a Person You Trust

One of the best places to keep a spare key while traveling is with a person you trust. This should be someone traveling with you, especially if you are headed on a cross-country road trip. If you are traveling locally, you can leave the key with a neighbor. Make sure the trusted person you choose has a safe place to keep your spare key so they don’t lose it, making your situation even worse.

In Your Purse or Wallet

It’s never a good idea to leave your purse or wallet in the car when you are no longer in it. This is why you should keep your car key replacement in your purse or wallet when traveling. Should you accidentally lock your primary car key set in the vehicle, you should be able to retrieve the spare from your purse or wallet with little to no problems.

The Inside of the Bumper

If your car key replacement is a magnetic hide-a-key, you can keep it inside the bumper of your vehicle. The key will stick to the bumper and no one will know it is there so long as you hide it when in your garage or when no one else is around you. However, make sure that you tell those traveling with you that the spare key is hiding behind the bumper so they can retrieve it should the need arise.

On the Front License Plate

Not many people use this area to hide a spare key, which makes it a less-than-obvious spot for your car key replacement. Make sure the key you hide on your front license plate can only open the car door and not start the ignition. You only want to be able to get into the vehicle, especially if you left your primary set of keys inside the vehicle.

In the Gas Cap

This hiding spot is not a long-term solution. Be sure that the key you are hiding only opens the door and doesn’t start the ignition. You can secure it to the gas cap with a piece of tape. If you go this route, make sure you have a spare ignition key with you in the event that you lose the primary key while traveling. Be sure to remove the spare key before heading back out on the road.

Call 3 Guys Locksmith for a Car Key Replacement Today

If you locked yourself out of your car while traveling in Florida, it’s time to call 3 Guys Locksmith for a car key replacement. We provide service around the clock for our customers. Call us today at (305) 907-7707 to schedule an appointment for spare key replacement.

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